School Safety: 13 Essentials for Active Threat Response

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On any given day, your active threat response plan could be the most critical aspect of your operations. There is no one-size-fits-all perfect plan, as every school campus is unique. Delays in communication or decision-making could potentially lead to more injuries. Administrators must allocate resources to meet the specific school safety needs of their district.

When it comes to school safety, we should strive for nothing less than the very best plan we can create. The following are essential considerations for crafting your ideal lockdown plan. Ensuring the safety of everyone on campus is our utmost priority!

School Safety: The Most Important Thing We Do, Keep Kids Safe!

Locknow Safety is a highly regarded company known for providing quality school safety intruder response training. We provide on site, in person intruder training to facilities. This training will assist your facility in creating a plan for an immediate response to an active threat. Each district must develop its own unique plans tailored to its specific campuses, we can assist you with this challenge.

In preparing for lockdown or intruder situations in schools or businesses, incorporating these training resources is essential. Our objective should be to develop a thorough and effective plan, communicate it clearly, share it with staff, and practice it regularly. Errors or lack of planning are not acceptable, as mistakes and delays can have serious consequences and cost lives. An immediate response is the highest priority, saving seconds can save lives.

  1. Method of Announcement: Communication is often overlooked but is the most crucial aspect of school safety and the lockdown process. Delayed communication can leave people vulnerable, which unfortunately happens frequently. Relying solely on text or email to announce a lockdown is inadequate; it must grab the attention of everyone immediately. Using a tone or direct announcement is effective, assuming the office receives the critical information promptly. Locking down immediately without an panic button capability assumes flawless communication to the office, which may not always be the case. There are numerous scenarios that can disrupt or delay our ability to initiate a lockdown, and this is a significant concern. Every second counts in these situations, making swift communication essential. This concern led to the development of the LockNow Safety App. Having multiple methods to communicate a lockdown is optimal. While we are biased, coupling our app with your intercom system provides the fastest response for everyone on campus. Parkland, Florida and Uvalde, Texas school shootings demonstrated how communication can break down in these awful incidents. The best practice is to use panic button technology in addition to the intercom and incorporate them together. Ideally, they mirror each other, this practice assures everyone on campus will be aware of an emergency.
  2. Terminology and Protocols: It’s critical that your staff understands the terminology used and how to respond accordingly. A fairly large movement to the Standard Response Protocol is happening nationwide. This is a movement to streamline communication to assure that a clear understanding of a crisis is always evident. The Locknow Safety App uses this protocol in the alerts and communication of the technology. All those who use this protocol will quickly learn that the non-profit organization provides numerous free resources for facility safety. Regardless of what your protocol is, everyone must know what it means and be able to respond quickly. If you have audible alerts in your building, these should also be included with the protocol.
  3. Combat & First Aid Kits: While it may sound daunting, these are essential components of school safety today. It’s crucial to have these kits readily available in your buildings, along with staff trained in their use. This includes items like tourniquets and materials for quick clot treatment. We have real tourniquets as well as scarves that can be used similarly. These life-saving items are available for purchase on Amazon and can make a significant difference in an emergency. As a lifetime educator, I am saddened that this is a must have for all public buildings.
  4. Door Securing Devices: When discussing reinforced door locking devices for both interior and exterior doors, we recommend considering options like the Z-Lock manufactured in Hermitage, Missouri. There are various devices available, but the crucial factor is their ability to be implemented quickly in an emergency situation.
  5. Situational Awareness: Providing comprehensive information to your staff enables them to make better decisions to ensure everyone’s safety. Ideally, identifying and announcing the location of the threat allows staff members who are not in immediate danger to safely evacuate the campus and secure their students elsewhere. It also enables School Resource Officers (SROs) to respond swiftly. However, achieving this can be challenging as lockdown announcements are often delayed. The LockNow App addresses this by instantly providing the location of the threat through an active threat alert, without relying on complex geo-services. Within seconds, your staff becomes aware of the threat and its location, facilitating quicker and more informed responses. This is an important part of your strategic school safety plan.
  6. Notify Authorities of Armed Staff: If you have armed staff or School Resource Officers (SROs) to enhance school safety, it is crucial that responding authorities are aware of their presence. In an armed intruder situation, it can be dangerous if authorities are unaware of an armed staff member and enter the campus. Office staff, especially, must communicate this information to authorities during a crisis. LockNow can facilitate this by providing pertinent information to authorities through lockdown alerts. It is also best practice for any of these armed staff members to wear a noticeable identifying item (ID badget etc) at all times.
  7. Window Coverings and Barricade Plans for Each Room: Ensuring school safety involves having a plan in place for quickly covering windows and reinforcing doors in every room. Additionally, staff should be mentally prepared to enlist students’ assistance, if needed, to move large objects like cabinets in front of doors to prevent intruders from entering. Locked doors have proven effective in keeping intruders out, and there is minimal evidence of a reinforced classroom door being breached.
  8. Ability to Communicate Effectively: It may sound simple, but during a crisis, getting critical information to staff is essential yet challenging. Movement of the intruder or identifying the intruder would be valuable information for everyone to be aware of. LockNow addresses this challenge by providing the capability to relay crucial information to staff members, whether they are stationary or mobile. In contrast, traditional methods like intercoms may not always be accessible or provide two-way communication. Email, similarly, is impractical in crisis situations when staff members may be on the move. In emergencies, these communication details can mean the difference between life and death. Efficient communication could have changed the outcome of shootings at Parkland and Uvalde.
  9. Identifying the Threat: Teachers are typically instructed not to admit anyone into their classrooms after locking their doors, which can be a significant challenge for educators, especially in critical situations. It’s difficult to imagine turning away a student during a campus threat. Again, this relies on efficient communication. Moreover, many gunmen are individuals known to school personnel. Announcing the identity of the threat, if possible, would empower staff to make informed decisions. Using the LockNow App facilitates rapid communication of the threat’s identification, enabling staff to prioritize the safety of all students effectively. This is simple and it could save lives.
  10. Classroom Defensive Measures: Staff members should be mentally prepared to utilize any available resources in the room for defense if an intruder attempts to gain entry. Fire extinguishers, readily available in each classroom, can serve as effective deterrents and may compel an intruder to retreat. It’s important to identify other potential defensive items in classrooms and be prepared to use them as necessary.
  11. Escape Plan for Each Room: Anticipating different scenarios, staff members should mentally prepare themselves to escape in all possible directions. Think out of the box, school safety has changed.
  12. Post-Crisis Exit Plan: It is advisable to establish a method to announce the end of a crisis, whether through a code word or specific announcement. If uncertain, classrooms should remain secured until authorities arrive. Administrators should develop procedures for safely dismissing or releasing students to parents after a crisis. They must delegate authority to staff and provide clear instructions. This plan should be adaptable, considering that parts of the campus may be inaccessible. Be prepared to relocate if necessary and anticipate various scenarios.
  13. Mindset: We must adopt a mindset that our school safety plan is always evolving and improving. Embracing the best ideas from others is key to enhancing our practices. Regularly evaluating our security measures and openly sharing insights is essential for continuous improvement.
  14. Consult with Law Enforcement: Ideally, local law enforcement should have toured your facilities and be familiar with the layout. If they haven’t, invite them to do so! It’s essential that they understand your plans and can contribute to your school’s safety measures. Effective communication with law enforcement can greatly enhance your overall school safety preparedness.
School Safety:  13 Essentials for Active Threat Response.

School Safety Must Have

In an active threat situation, there are many variables beyond our control. However, communication should not be one of them. Every facility should have an immediate alert system in place. Ensuring we can activate a lockdown announcement immediately is crucial. Regardless of where an armed intruder enters our campus, a swift response is paramount. Communication breakdowns can occur due to human error, stress, and the unpredictable actions of an intruder. Our communication and training will have an enormous impact on the outcome of an active threat attack. Locknow Safety is here to assist you with both of these important strategies.

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